Brush Skimmers
Brush skimmers are floating oil skimmers with rotating brushes for high volume recovery. These types of skimmers have proven to be very effective with heavier products, including crude oil, dilbit and bunker C.
From response equipment like disk skimmers and sweep systems to new technologies such as drones and digital GIS mapping programs, WCMRC trains in and employs the industry’s most advanced technologies.
WCMRC has a range of skimmers in our inventory, including weir and rope-mop systems. However, the most common are brush and disk skimmers. Some of the systems are equipped with interchangeable disk, drum, and brush skimming modules to allow for skimming a complete range of oils and viscosities, from light diesels up to heavy crudes. Some of the larger skimmers in our inventory can recover 150,000 litres of product per hour. WCMRC maintains 65 skimmers with a total capacity to recover 516,000 litres per hour.